
About Us

    My name is Tam and I have always been fascinated by water. I have studied chemistry, geology, and oceanography; and have worked as a chemist, teacher, and editor. I believe in the Oxford comma.

    I hope that this website can be a resource for anyone who is fascinated by or curious about water. I intend to keep adding to it over time, so I hope you’ll check back every once in a while.

    There are many people I’m grateful to for their help with this project. To David for the idea that turned into Water Because and for many fruitful conversations. To Paul Saletan for all sorts of technical and emotional support. To Bonnie Dietrich for a fantastic logo design and this head shot art. To Karen Arneson for spider web photography. To Ben for advice about accessibility. To Amelia for advice about design and photos. To Josh Voynick for all kinds of great water photos. To all the teachers and colleagues from whom I’ve learned about water. And to many friends and family who have been enthusiastic in their support–thank you all! 

   And of course any errors or irregularities are my responsibility alone.

A white woman with glasses on smiles and looks directly into the camera.

Contact Water Because

I hope to hear from users about what you like, what could be better, and what topics you would like to see in the future on Water Because. email me at WaterBecause.SciComm@gmail.com